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Education for peace is based on the development of education for the values

Artículo de opinión

  • 27/04/2022
  • Tiempo de lectura 4 mins

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  • Valora

António Augusto Baptista Rodrigues. Docente e investigador en la Business & Economics School (Portugal)

"As wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of Peace must be built". (UNESCO Constitution).

Education is not restricted to the transmission of knowledge but must integrate and manage the different dimensions of a culture, language, traditions, beliefs, attitudes, and ways of life. It is a condition of an apprenticeship to values. Education for values aims to form the person in their integrity and in their entirety so that they can promote a more human world, in personal and social attitudes.
The ability to create values and value actions and objects is one of the main differences between humans and animals, because values are linked to human existence, having an objective and subjective dimension: objective, insofar as values are goals, objectives, ends that guide human conduct, subjective, because they are closely linked to motivations and desires, value works as an ideal model of personal fulfillment. Everyone has to arrive at his personal values from an available set, but even more important is the process of making decisions in relation to a scale of values. Values are ideals that are valid regardless of time, things, and our appreciations, they are not subjective, but objective.
What value does education have in society? What is the teacher's role? What values predominate in the current development model? The perspective of education for values takes up the Aristotelian tradition. To achieve the moral development of a person, it is not enough that this person is capable of intellectually knowing what is right, what is just and their opposites, because mere intellectual activity is not enough to apprehend the good.

Marquês[1], considers that "the main purpose of education "is to teach to understand and appreciate the good". In this conception of education, the final goal is for the person to be able to integrate, in his own self, general principles of value that conform to his rational morality. It is necessary, education for values conceived as a life project and "each model of education for values establishes its particular set of purposes and contents to be developed, from the educational intervention"[2] .

"Education for peace is based on the development of values. More than being taught, it is important to create conditions for values to be learned, through experiences of democratic citizenship".

An education to values, which does not aim at behaviors in accordance with certain principles - justice, equality, solidarity, subsidiarity, the common good and human dignity - susceptible of universalization and those values that contribute to a happy life project, invalidates all your process.

Families and schools are privileged actors in the construction of peace that have been forgotten over the years, to the detriment of individual well-being and consumption clearly based on a political-ideological narrative.
The Declaration of the Right to Peace approved in 2016 by the United Nations General Assembly is a document in which, for the first time, it is established that all human beings have the right to enjoy peace. It is also recognized that peace is not just the absence of war, but a fundamental human right that requires "a positive and dynamic participatory process, in which dialogue is encouraged and conflicts are resolved in a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation" (A/C.3/71/L.29, Preamble).
An egocentric, less human community, isolated in virtual ghettos that does not consider what happens outside of it, never reproduces peace. Peace is built on a day-to-day basis among the people with whom we live.
Education for peace is based on the development of values. More than being taught, it is important to create conditions for values to be learned, through experiences of democratic citizenship[3] in which the examples of rulers, ruled and society predominate.
[1] Marquês, R. (1998), Ensinar Valores: teorias e modelos, Porto Editora.
[2] M. P. Sanchez (2000), Educación en valores para una sociedad abierta y plural: aproximación conceptual, Bilbao.
[3]A democracy without respect for universal values is not democracy.
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