In the new school reform (Law 107/2015) the schools are asked to design a guidance system in collaboration with the territory and to create pathways for school-work dual education system "in order to increase employment opportunities and guidance capabilities of students." In this case the guidance becomes a fundamental preventive action of preparation and knowledge of professions.
Phenomena such as increasing the number of NEET (young people who do not study and do not work), high levels of youth unemployment and early school leaving are interrelated: guidance systems must be able to act preventively and effectively to to ensure all young people proper information services, counseling and support in times of choice and transition.
No institution can think of facing so huge and complex problems alone: it is necessary to rethink intervention policies ensuring greater centering on the needs of individual citizens and increased coordination between all institutions and local actors. Guidance systems must perform this kind of function at the local level and be able to mobilize information resources, human resources and tools to promote access of all citizens to opportunities for study, training and work. In addition, it is essential to invest in new technologies to ensure the access to information and services, while reducing costs.
On these premises, Centro Studi Pluriversum Siena has joined the European project Guiding Cities with the intention to collect, analyze and disseminate best experiences of coordination and promotion of regional systems of vocational guidance.
The modern cities are in fact the center of large organizational and technological innovations (we talk about Smart Cities) to facilitate citizens' access to services and opportunities. However on the specific issue of guidance services, we are lacking in-depth analysis and comparative research which can promote innovation and qualify the role of the local authorities. This project represents a great opportunity for the authorities which offer guidance, to launch an international debate on the quality, accessibility and future development of services.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.