La transformación digital en sectores sensibles a los cambios tecnológicos, como el financiero, requiere de profesionales versátiles y altamente cualificados. Este programa prepara para alcanzar dicho objetivo. La transformación del mercado de los servicios financieros a resultas de la revolución Centro de Estudios Garrigues
2.250 €
100% taught in english. One of the most influential and important emerging technologies in modern business, blockchain promises to shape the 21st century in various sectors. This major explores how blockchain can revolutionize economics while addressing some of the most pressing problems in society EU Business School
21.900 €
100% taught in english. One of the most influential and important emerging technologies in modern business, blockchain promises to shape the 21st century in various sectors. This major explores how blockchain can revolutionize economics while addressing some of the most pressing problems in society EU Business School
21.900 €
100% taught in english. One of the most influential and important emerging technologies in modern business, blockchain promises to shape the 21st century in various sectors. This major explores how blockchain can revolutionize economics while addressing some of the most pressing problems in society EU Business School
39.750 €
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