The IMBA is designed to enhance your management and leadership skills while strengthening your ability to face and solve challenges in an increasingly globalized environment and gain competitiveness in new complex scenarios with disruptive and innovative business models. The strong partnership among...
ESIC Business & Marketing School
33.000 €
Este curso pretende que el alumno conozca en profundidad uno de los frameworks más actuales y más usados por las aplicaciones empresariales. Se pretende cubrir desde el core de Spring hasta el uso de Hibernate, JPA, MVC y REST para cubrir todo el ciclo de tecnologías de cualquier aplicación web. Ade...
Academia Abamar
295 €
100% taught in english With this bachelor's degree, students will get an in-depth and practical understanding of hospitality management; quality of service; event and conference planning; and sustainability as it applies to tourism. The overview of these key business areas ensures that students gain...
EU Business School
13.500 €
100% taught in english. The Bachelor of Business Administration is a comprehensive degree that will prepare you for a full range of functions within the business world, making you a valuable asset to any organization. This program develops the business acumen and entrepreneurial mindset required to ...
EU Business School
13.500 €
Con este curso te introducirás en la Planificación Avanzada de la Calidad (APQP) una metodología estructurada para desarrollar productos y servicios, cuya finalidad es asegurar el cumplimiento de los requisitos del cliente involucrando a los proveedores y al cliente, facilitando así la comunicación ...
Asociación Española para la Calidad
550 €
El aquagym es un deporte acuático donde se combinan diferentes ejercicios de tonificación muscular y repeticiones con el uso de diferentes materiales deportivos como pesas o pelotas. La finalidad de este deporte es aprovechar los beneficios que aporta el agua al mismo tiempo que se practican ejercic...
Instituto Europeo de Formación y Cualificación
On-line | Distancia
560 €
The Bachelor of Finance (BF) with a Major in International Finance is designed to enable you to continually adapt to constant changes in the world of finance and economics. You will be equipped with the tools to understand and manage all financial aspects within a private or public corporation and g...
Geneva Business School
100% taught in english International sponsorship and corporate competition have transformed sports into a multibillion-euro industry. International sports have set trends and redefined boundaries in international politics and cross-cultural communication, as well as trademark rights and financial mo...
EU Business School
13.500 €
Programa académico SAP SuccessFactors ¡El único homologado existente en España! Obtén 2 certificaciones: Employee Central y Performance&Goals La integración entre las personas de una organización, la necesidad de interrelación entre los sistemas corporativos y las plataformas oferentes de empleo y e...
Teknus Business Academy
4.900 €
The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with a Major in Digital Marketing will provide you with profound knowledge of new and diverse strategies, progressive marketing tools and effective communication skills necessary to effectively market business through digital media networks and project i...
Geneva Business School
The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with a Major in Sports Management is designed to provide you with the organization and communication tools to manage sports events, teams, federations and sports clubs. Candidates will be equipped to become effective leaders and managers in the sports in...
Geneva Business School
Apache Hadoop y Apache Spark componen una simbiosis perfecta para desarrollar tus proyectos Big Data de alto nivel. Con este curso de conseguirás las herramientas y conocimientos necesarios para dar sus primeros pasos en este campo con total seguridad y eficacia. Se explica en forma clara y simple l...
Culture Lab
Presencial | On-line | Semi-presencial
250 €
Over the course of this program you will: Gain the capacity to work in the development of diplomatic strategy. Be introduced to realistic solutions for the management of current global crises. Be familiar with global cultures and social networking. Build contacts with diplomatic organizations and st...
Geneva Business School
Certificado de Competencia de Creación y Gestión de Repositorios de Contenidos MF0967_3 del Certificado de Profesionalidad de Sistemas de Gestión de Formación IFCD0211 (Nivel 3). Aprende a crear repositorios de contenidos utilizando lenguajes específicos y estándares de desarrollo software.
Certificados de Profesionalidad
Con este Curso de Experto Internacional en Suelo Pélvico y Mujer: Disfunciones pelviperineales, embarazo y postparto aprenderás a conocer los mecanismos fisiopatológicos y las principales técnicas conservadoras para las disfunciones perineales como incontinencia urinaria.
Enfermera Digital
210 €
The Master in Pharma & Biotech Management is a cutting-edge programme covering the most recent developments in the pharmaceutical, biotech and life science industry. EADA offers you the opportunity to join a top-ranked business school in the city centre of Barcelona, one of the European hubs of the ...
EADA Business School
The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with a Major in Entrepreneurship is designed to prepare you for the constant challenges of the startup sector and teach you all of the methods and skills that are necessary to succeed in this highly competitive area, with the ultimate goal of becoming a ...
Geneva Business School
The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with a Major in International Relations is a three year undergraduate degree designed to provide you with the tools you will need to become a successful manager in international organizations, by demonstrating an understanding of the principal factors th...
Geneva Business School
El Curso de Reparación y Mantenimiento de Computadoras (avanzado) te capacitará profesionalmente para resolver cualquier fallo que presente una computadora de escritorio o dispositivo portátil (Laptop, Tablet o Teléfono Inteligente).
100% taught in english. The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a one-year three-semester full-time program (90 ECTS). This EQF level 7/NFQ level 9 program is designed to provide students with a critical understanding of core business functions as well as strategic business management, while ...
EU Business School
21.900 €