With the Professional Executive PA Diploma you'll learn how to stay one step ahead, anticipating needs and meeting the demands of this challenging, yet rewarding role. Pitman Training Barcelona
Formación profesional para el empleo
Presencial | Semi-presencial | Distancia
A lo largo del curso se desarrollaran diversos temas anatómicos, biomecánicos, kinesiológicos y fisiológicos del sistema neuromuscular y osteoarticular, así como un estudio analítico de las diferentes terapias, analizando su exigencia biomecánica, su aplicación terapeútica y sus posibles contraindic... IACES (Instituto Alcalá de Ciencias y Especialidades de la Salud)
2.200 €
100% taught in english. The Bachelor of Business Administration is a comprehensive degree that will prepare you for a full range of functions within the business world, making you a valuable asset to any organization. This program develops the business acumen required to conduct business on a global... EU Business School
13.500 €
The Master in Hospitality Management is ideal for both career changers who wish to move into hospitality, and for career climbers who are already in the field and wish to fast-track their careers. A bachelor's degree in studies related to business (Business studies, Law, PR, Marketing, etc.), engine... Escuela Universitaria de Hoteleria y Turismo de Sant Pol de Mar
Máster oficial
Más de 10.000 €
La Biblia es, ante todo, un libro religioso. Contiene una serie de escritos en los que la tradición judía primero y la cristiana después han reconocido la palabra de Dios. La Biblia es, además, una clave fundamental del código cultural de occidente. Este Master pretende iniciar en el conocimiento de... Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (UPSA)
Consultar precio
As a secretary or executive assistant you'll require excellent skills in IT, organisation, good composure, flexibility, plus strong interpersonal and communication abilities. So the Secretarial Diploma is designed to develop your keyboard speeds, teach you how to master the most common business soft... Pitman Training Barcelona
Presencial | On-line | Semi-presencial | Distancia
El Máster Universitario en Marketing y Gestión Digital, ha sido diseñado para dar respuesta a la necesidad creciente de las empresas de incorporar jóvenes profesionales con una formación moderna, útil y adaptada a la realidad empresarial. ESIC Business & Marketing School
Máster oficial
15.000 €
El Máster en Tecnología Financiera: Blockchain y Fintech te prepara para introducirte en el Fintech, el futuro de las finanzas. Conocerás los aspectos a regular y las principales plataformas Fintech en España. Aprenderás las soluciones de Core bancario y las tecnologías disruptivas en la gestión de ... INESEM Business School
1.795 €
100% taught in english. Business finance is about creating value for stakeholders which makes it a rewarding and challenging field to work in. In this specialization, students will learn how to make decisions based on financial risk and opportunity, anticipate their clients needs and efficiently man... EU Business School
28.980 €
100% taught in english. Business finance is about creating value for stakeholders which makes it a rewarding and challenging field to work in. In this specialization, students will learn how to make decisions based on financial risk and opportunity, anticipate their clients' needs and efficiently ma... EU Business School
13.500 €
Durante el curso aprenderás las herramientas básicas necesarias para manejar y conocer el software Logic Pro X, uno de los programas más versátiles en el mundo de la creación y producción musical, composición para cine y televisión para entender cómo funciona una orquesta virtual. El alumno realizar... Mubox Studio
100 €
100% taught in english. The BA (Hons) in Business with a pathway in information Systems is a three-year full-time program (180 ECTS). It has been designed to provide students with a solid grounding in business and with the skills, knowledge and competences in the use of systems and related technolog... EU Business School
13.500 €
100% taught in english This program combines a global international relations outlook with the practical skills of business thinking. As corporations expand and blur national boundaries, they operate in a more complex landscape. This specialization provides a solid knowledge of the global economic e... EU Business School
13.500 €
El Título Superior de Arte Dramático, Itinerario Musical es la formación superior oficial en arte dramático especialidad musical. Equivalente a todos los efectos a un título universitario de Grado. "De acuerdo con la redacción establecida por la Ley Orgánica 8/2013, de 9 de diciembre , para la mejor... Escuela Superior de Artes Escénicas de Málaga (ESAEM)
Enseñanzas artísticas superiores
entre 2.500 € y 5.000 €
The Master of Science in Finance (MSc.F) with a Major in International Finance is designed to challenge your understanding of finance through rigorous training in the conceptual, analytical and empirical intricacies of modern international finance and investment. GBS has established a trading partne... Geneva Business School
Un máster en finanzas, dos especialidades. Apréndelo todo de los directivos más top en finanzas y especialízate en Dirección Financiera o Bolsa e Inversión. Desarrolla tu carrera profesional controlando todo sobre el mundo de las finanzas. EDEM Escuela de Empresarios
10.000 €
The Global MBA syllabus incorporates core concepts, management theory and the latest case studies to reflect the current international marketplace and provide you the fundamental skills to thrive in this environment. The programme analyses key topics such as finance, strategic management, operations... London School of Business & Finance
9.000 €
100% taught in english. The BA (Hons) in Business Management (Marketing) program gives students the tools and entrepreneurial mindset to excel in today's postmodern marketing environment. Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of the field and understand how marketing functions within the d... EU Business School
13.500 €
Consultar precio
The Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a Major in Digital Marketing is designed to equip you with the skills needed to engage an audience through digital media and effectively market your business through these networks. You will be capable of actively working to develop marketing strategi... Geneva Business School
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