Introduction to Sensory Language and the Poetic of the Space

24 horas
entre 250 € y 500 €


The intention that we put in this innovative art is the recovery of the "listening to ourselves", the other and the space, and it surrounds, to become two subjects that are related to each other. Working through the senses aims to reveal the poetic experience as a form of deep knowledge and as a work on oneself.
Seminar for students that works in the fields of Art, and culture, theatre, dance, or participants, who are interested in developing and promoting his sensorial world.
Teatro de los Sentidos is a stable space where artist-researchers from multiple disciplines and nationalities have been working for more than 30 years in the poetics of the senses and research between sensory languages, play and theatrical creation
More than just a theatre, we are a seedbed, a meeting place, for training and diffusion of our techniques and a service to the community.
The Theatre of the Senses has the obligation to share its language known worldwide as sensory theatre, a language that has gradually made its way by walking, creating a language that is practiced today not only in Spain, but in many countries of the world, these groups are the result of our research core group, a seedbed of people who in one way or another have received training in our school or have worked for years in our research.
This own language and pioneer in the world, is now the most effective and necessary means to find forms of communication that allow those who participate in sensory experiences, to contact their innermost self.
The commitment of the theatre of the senses is to work on the development of this new technology that allows you to learn to listen and relate to yourself with the environment and with others.
Within the practices we will analyse the aspects of the sensory theatre and we will come to the creation of small experiences, to share.
From the theatre of the senses we continue with our commitment to train people to build souls together to rediscover the poetics that are hidden within each one.
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Competencias para las que te prepara el curso

The participant could acknowledge the capacity that he/she has to be able to imagine and therefore to create!


Not previous experience need it or special education.

Prueba de acceso

Motivation Letter


The research of a sensorial language responds to the need to recover the memory of the body as a source of knowledge. That's why we take the body as the central reference of our investigation. We work with expression, memory, the sensitivity of our body and the geography of the spaces that surround us (or our immediate environment). We'll give time to find wonders in everyday life, to look at our surroundings with new eyes, to rediscover surprise and curiosity through the senses.

Idiomas en los que se imparte

English mainly, and spanish


Practice, set up / rehearsals.


The Theatre of the Senses has the obligation to share its language known worldwide as sensory theatre, a language that has gradually made its way by walking, creating a language that is practiced today not only in Spain, but in many countries of the world, these groups are the result of our research core group, a seedbed of people who in one way or another have received training in our school oro have worked for years in our research.
This own language and pioneer in the world, is now the most effective and necessary means to find forms of communication that allow those who participate in sensory experiences, to contact their innermost self.
The commitment of the theatre of the senses is to work on the development of this new technology that Allows you to learn to listen and relate to yourself with the environment and with others.
the discovery of expressive and communicative Possibilities that go beyond conventional interacciones. 
Rediscover our body and its environment letting ourselves be guided by sound, fragrance, taste. Stimulate the Dormant sentidos in order to develop all our expressive potential. 
The workshop has a physical side, opening the body, to be Prepared to receive sensory estimula with a different awareness than the usual, and not only to receive but to give as well.
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Titulación obtenida

A certificate will be issued, acknowledging the 24 hours training in sensory language.


Possible practices

Perspectivas laborales

In therapy, theatre, educational programs, university,and high schools.


entre 250 € y 500 €
A special educational program design specially for you!

Ventajas del curso

innovation, a language that is not yet well develop in the world. transformation experience, consciousness, art of listening


Enrique Vargas, Gabriel Hernandez, Patrizia Menichelli, Stephane Laidet, Pancho Garcia, Giovanna Pezzullo, Arianna Marano, Georges Perla, Nelson Jara.

Tipo de evaluación

This course needs at least 80% assistance, other wise for the end of the course, when we will build the experience they may not participate in it!

Lugar donde se imparte el curso

platform Zoom online Course


From 10:00 hrs to 12:00 hrs
Introduction to Sensory Language and the Poetic of the Space
Caixa d'Eines de Teatro de los Sentidos
Campus y sedes: Caixa d'Eines de Teatro de los Sentidos
Caixa d'Eines de Teatro de los Sentidos
Camí del Polvorí s/n 08038 Barcelona
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