Bachelor in International Business

Oficial / Homologado
4 años


Focus on the areas most in demand in the job market, with specialisations in key fields such as sustainability and crisis management.
The twenty-first century economy is the most globalised in human history. We are living in a unique time to strengthen relations and international commerce and build more efficient regional economic blocs. In this exciting context, companies increasingly need professionals who bring international and global insights to understanding and leading business dealings. This degree prepares you to become the international business go-to person able to advise companies and connect them with potential partners/suppliers from abroad, help them manage crises and drill down on consumers' new purchase motivations.
In addition, at UNIE you will find an up-to-the-minute approach to the curriculum, with a pathway dedicated to international sustainability and subjects such as Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship and International Business Intelligence.
Reasons to study the Bachelor in International Business:
  • Professional Development: You will learn to make decisions based on different global cultures and to step up to current economic, social, health, political and environmental challenges.
  • Career Opportunities: Companies are demanding international business professionals to assist and advise them on a globalised stage.
  • Up-to-the-minute Curriculum: The curriculum includes subjects that deliver on current international business demands. International Logistics and Distribution Challenges, Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship and International Business Intelligence are just some of the subjects we offer.
  • Specialities in High Demand: The UNIE International Business Degree has two pathways that respond to today's global challenges, one in International Sustainability and the other in Crisis Management.
  • Business Approach: When you study at UNIE you are learning at the only company-created university de-signed to teach you how to solve today's business challenges.


First year:
  • Introduction to Economics and Business
  • Data Analysis
  • International Business Law
  • Contemporary Sociopolitical Context
  • International Business Communication
  • International Relations and Geopolitics
  • International Business Environment
  • Introduction to international marketing
  • Introduction to Accounting and Financial Analysis
  • Culture and Business in Europe
Second year:
  • International Economics
  • Human Resources Management
  • Culture and Business in Latin America
  • International Financial Planning
  • International Market Research
  • Modern Language
  • International trade
  • Decision making models
  • Culture and Business in North America
  • Investment analysis and valuation
Third year:
  • International Business Intelligence
  • Taxation and sources of international financing
  • Production and purchasing management
  • Culture and Business in Africa
  • International product, price and promotion decisions
  • International Business Management
  • Business Internationalisation Plan
  • Culture and Business in MENA countries
  • Culture and Business in Asia-Pacific region
  • International distribution and logistics challenges
Fourth year:
  • Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • International Negotiation
  • E-commerce
  • Elective 1
  • Elective 2
  • Elective 3
  • External academic internships II
  • Thesis Project

Prueba de acceso

Realizarás una prueba tipo test que se compone de tres partes: Evaluación de competencias y actitudes hacia el trabajo intelectual, inglés y valoración de méritos.

Idiomas en los que se imparte



Duración: 4 años (240 créditos ECTS). Inicio: A consultar.

Titulación obtenida

Título oficial.

Perspectivas laborales

The Bachelor's degree in International Business is one of the qualifications most sought-after by multinational companies, investment banks and foreign trade companies.


Equipo directivo: Luana Gava: Decana de la facultad de ciencias sociales aplicadas y de la comunicación. Eva Ropero: Vicedecana de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas.
Bachelor in International Business
UNIE Universidad
Campus y sedes: UNIE Universidad
UNIE Universidad Arapiles
C/ Arapiles, 14 28015 Madrid
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