Prepárate para la creación, dirección y gestión de empresas digitales o para liderar la transformación digital de las que no lo son. Con el título superior conocerás todo sobre el emprendimiento y pondrás en marcha una idea real de negocio. Con el Grado Oficial en Digital Business + Título Superior
ESIC Barcelona
Passeig de Santa Eulàlia, 2
08017 Barcelona
9.750 €
100% taught in english. Digitalization is continually expanding horizons. In addition to startups and new ventures, established businesses are also going digital to appeal to new generations and adapt to modern technologies. They all need entrepreneurial innovators who can come up with creative
EU Business School
Av. Diagonal, 648 B
08017 Barcelona
13.500 €
100% taught in english. Digitalization is continually expanding horizons. In addition to startups and new ventures, established businesses are also going digital to appeal to new generations and adapt to modern technologies. They all need entrepreneurial innovators who can come up with creative
EU Business School
Av. Diagonal, 648 B
08017 Barcelona
13.500 €
100% taught in english. Digitalization is continually expanding horizons. In addition to startups and new ventures, established businesses are also going digital to appeal to new generations and adapt to modern technologies. They all need entrepreneurial innovators who can come up with creative
EU Business School
Ganduxer, 70
08021 Barcelona
28.980 €